The Journey Book

The Journey Book

Breakthrough Intentional Parenting: Preorders now open

The Journey: An Intentional Parenting Framework was originally designed for our five children. We have found this period to be so enjoyable and enriching. We are so thankful to have travelled The Journey.

Jason & Sheree Gallagher

The Journey Book

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The Journey: An Intentional Parenting Framework is for families with high school aged young people. It provides an easy and practical scaffolding to develop character within their young people, setting them up for a healthy and fulfilling adult life.

The Journey changes our way of thinking. It establishes a way of thinking for parents and young people that seeks to promote, to grow and develop character, to embrace opportunities and strengths.

It moves frustrating family ‘teenage moments’ into positive steps in The Journey to adulthood.

Inside the book you will;

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